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Kyc 5 K Run Walk

5K Fundrais­ing Tips and Tricks: How to Rule the Leaderboard

Get­ting Started

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You’re ready to be a KYC Super­hero. You can’t wait to join in the cel­e­bra­tion of the incred­i­ble things that our clients, staff, vol­un­teers, and sup­port­ers do each day to make our com­mu­ni­ties health­i­er and hap­pi­er. You’ve got the heart and we’ll make sure you have all the tools you need to be a fundrais­ing super­hero. Our tips and tricks will make it easy and com­fort­able to sur­pass your fundrais­ing goals.

Cre­ate Your Fundrais­ing Page

If you haven’t already, you can get start­ed by cre­at­ing your fundrais­ing page on our 5K website. 

  • Fol­low this link: http://​kycwalk​.every​day​hero​.do/
  • Click on the green Reg­is­ter and Fundraise button
  • Cre­ate your page — choose a page title, select your fundrais­ing goal, and set your con­tact and login information
  • Don’t for­get to upload a picture!

Form Your Team


If you are par­tic­i­pat­ing in the 5K as part of a group, cre­ate a team page and invite friends and fam­i­ly to join it, too! You have to cre­ate your indi­vid­ual 5K page first, then cre­ate or join a team to fundraise together.

Share Your Page

Share Button 2

Use the blue Share but­ton on your 5K pro­file or team page to invite friends, fam­i­ly, and your net­works to sup­port you in your par­tic­i­pa­tion in the Hus­tle for Health. Don’t for­get to include a mes­sage along with your page — we’ve got some tips includ­ed below to help you get the ball rolling!

Tips and Tricks for Suc­cess­ful Fundraising

You miss 100 of the shots you dont take green
  • Upload a pho­to to your 5K Page! Friends and fam­i­ly are more like­ly to engage with your page if you include a photo.
  • Send a per­son­al email mes­sage to friends and fam­i­ly. Share YOUR sto­ry and why KYC is impor­tant to YOU! We’ve got some sam­ple mes­sages below, but don’t be afraid to share using your own words. Not every­one is on social media, so a quick email to your friends and fam­i­ly is a way to include every­one in a low-pres­sure invi­ta­tion to sup­port your efforts.
  • Share on social media why you sup­port KYC. You nev­er know who might have been touched by KYC’s mis­sion and you could be sur­prised by a dona­tion from some­one you nev­er would have thought to ask.
  • Include your dona­tion on your page before you invite oth­ers to give. Some­times all you need is to get the ball rolling! Oth­ers will also see that you’re 100% com­mit­ted to your cause.
  • Don’t be afraid to share your page more than once! Don’t let your posts dis­ap­pear off of your friends’ feeds. Post it a few times to keep it refreshed on your socials, and try post­ing at dif­fer­ent times of day to catch dif­fer­ent friends.
  • Say thank you! After a friend or fam­i­ly mem­ber donates to your page, don’t for­get to thank them! Send them a nice note or post your grat­i­tude on social media. They’ll be grate­ful and you just might encour­age oth­ers to give, too!

If you’re uncom­fort­able ask­ing friends and fam­i­ly to give, you’re not alone. It can feel dif­fi­cult, but every dol­lar you help us raise makes a big dif­fer­ence to our clients. You can spend more time being ner­vous about ask­ing than it takes to make your ask — go for it! KYC’s work isn’t pos­si­ble with­out you.

    Sam­ple Messages

    Writing messages

    If you’re hav­ing trou­ble find­ing the right words, check out these mes­sages below for inspi­ra­tion. Include a note along with the link to your page that invites your friends and fam­i­ly to sup­port you in your fundrais­ing goals.

    Social Media Posts

    Social media

    Mes­sage One
    Join me as a Ken­neth Young Cen­ter super­hero! I’m rais­ing mon­ey to sup­port men­tal health and old­er adult ser­vices as I par­tic­i­pate in the Hus­tle for Health 5K. Vis­it my page and give to join me as super­heros striv­ing for health in our communities.

    Mes­sage Two
    From help­ing old­er adults live inde­pen­dent­ly to pro­vid­ing cru­cial men­tal health ser­vices to kids, adults, and fam­i­lies, Ken­neth Young Cen­ter pro­vides vital ser­vices to 15,000 com­mu­ni­ty mem­bers a year. Please vis­it my page and help me reach my fundrais­ing goal for KYC.

    Mes­sage Three
    In cel­e­bra­tion of the clients, staff, vol­un­teers, and sup­port­ers who are true local super­heroes, I am rais­ing mon­ey as part of Ken­neth Young Cen­ter’s 18th Annu­al Hus­tle for Health 5K. Please vis­it my page and share with friends and fam­i­ly — every dol­lar helps KYC pro­vide crit­i­cal ser­vices to chil­dren, adults, fam­i­lies, and old­er adults. Thank you in advance for your gen­eros­i­ty — togeth­er we can change lives!

    Email Mes­sage


    Dear Friends and Family,

    In cel­e­bra­tion of the clients, staff, vol­un­teers, and sup­port­ers who are true local super­heroes, I am rais­ing mon­ey for Ken­neth Young Cen­ter’s 18th Annu­al Hus­tle for Health 5K. Ken­neth Young Cen­ter pro­vides life-chang­ing and life-sav­ing ser­vices to over 15,000 com­mu­ni­ty mem­bers of all ages. The Hus­tle for Health rais­es crit­i­cal­ly need­ed funds to sup­port our organization’s great­est needs. Would you help me reach my fundrais­ing goal to sup­port KYC?

    Please vis­it my fundrais­ing page at (include the link to your page). Whether you are able to give, or if you can share my page with oth­ers, I great­ly appre­ci­ate your support!

    The work we do is an impor­tant part of our community’s health and through you, we change lives and we save lives.

    If you have any ques­tions or would like to learn more about the 5K or KYC, I would love to talk more!

    Thank you,

    Keep an Eye on Your Progress!

    Group Running

    Want to see where you land in the fundrais­ing com­pe­ti­tion? You can check out our top fundrais­ers on the leader­board on our 5K web­site home­page.

    If you’d like to check on your progress towards your goal, you can search for your name using the Sup­port a Friend fea­ture or the search bar on the home­page, or you can sign in to your pro­file from here.

    Have Ques­tions? Con­tact Us!

    If you have any ques­tions about the 5K, please con­tact Jes­si­ca or Kate.

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