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In Loving Memory

A Trib­ute to our Friend, Dorris

Dorris Young

Since 1986, Ken­neth Young Cen­ter has car­ried its name in recog­ni­tion of our incred­i­ble friend and for­mer Board Mem­ber, Ken­neth Young.

But it’s been Dor­ris Young, Ken’s wid­ow, who has con­tin­ued that lega­cy of ser­vice for near­ly 4 decades, serv­ing KYC as a vol­un­teer, Walk Com­mit­tee Mem­ber, fundrais­er, friend, com­mu­ni­ty con­nec­tor, and so much more. 

It is with heavy hearts that we share with the KYC Com­mu­ni­ty that Dor­ris has passed away. 

Dor­ris’s warmth and com­pas­sion were evi­dent to all who knew her. She was quick to lend a hand when­ev­er need­ed and was an active mem­ber of the com­mu­ni­ty. As a mem­ber of the Walk Com­mit­tee for many years, she hus­tled the full 5K route well into her 90s, encour­ag­ing oth­ers to keep walk­ing for her beloved KYC.

Her indom­inable spir­it and kind­ness added joy and spunk to her every inter­ac­tion. Whether con­nect­ing a com­mu­ni­ty mem­ber in need of sup­port to KYC for care or cre­at­ing fundrais­ing oppor­tu­ni­ties for the agency, her sharp abil­i­ty to quick­ly prob­lem solve and cre­ate ways to sup­port oth­ers was unmatched.

On behalf of Ken­neth Young Cen­ter’s staff and those of us lucky enough to know Dor­ris, we express our deep­est sym­pa­thy to the Young Fam­i­ly. We are hon­ored to cel­e­brate and remem­ber her each and every day.

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