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Little boy in winter

Mak­ing the Hol­i­days Brighter through Adopt a Family

This year, our Adopt a Fam­i­ly dri­ve has shift­ed from phys­i­cal gifts to gift cards in an effort to pro­mote social dis­tanc­ing and min­i­mize expo­sure risk for COVID-19. Although a gift card may not feel like the most excit­ing gift to give, it is a deeply appre­ci­at­ed oppor­tu­ni­ty for our clients who receive them. Check out the impact you make and the many ways you can make the hol­i­days brighter for KYC’s clients this hol­i­day season.

Help a par­ent cre­ate the hol­i­days for their family.

Mom 2 daughters

Jen­na, 32, has strug­gled to keep a job and have a sta­ble income while liv­ing with depres­sion. She has been start­ing to feel bet­ter after see­ing her ther­a­pist, but she has had a hard time find­ing a steady job. As a sin­gle moth­er to two young girls, she wor­ries if she’ll be able to buy gifts for her girls to open on Christ­mas morning.

Giv­ing a gift card to par­ents like Jen­na is tru­ly a gift that gives twice. Your gift cre­ates an oppor­tu­ni­ty of empow­er­ment to buy gifts or a spe­cial hol­i­day meal and cre­ates last­ing hol­i­day mem­o­ries for their families.

Keep old­er adults con­nect­ed while stay­ing safe.

Old man in sweater looking out window

Luis, 83, lives on a lim­it­ed bud­get and is fac­ing grow­ing mobil­i­ty chal­lenges. With no fam­i­ly liv­ing local­ly, he enrolled in KYC’s Home Deliv­ered Meals Pro­gram to get the nutri­tion he needs. Luis is at a high­er risk of hav­ing seri­ous com­pli­ca­tions if he were to be infect­ed with COVID-19, so he has been stay­ing home to stay safe. Although this helps keep him healthy, he has been deal­ing with increas­ing lone­li­ness, which has been espe­cial­ly dif­fi­cult as the hol­i­days approach.

Your gift helps old­er adults like Luis feel con­nect­ed and appre­ci­at­ed. Your gift sends a mes­sage that you care, and cre­ates an oppor­tu­ni­ty to spread cheer to some­one who may be more iso­lat­ed than ever this hol­i­day season.

Bring hol­i­day cheer to a child.

Little boy in winter

Leon, 9, has been hav­ing trou­ble man­ag­ing his emo­tions since the school year began. His ther­a­pist is encour­aged by the progress he’s mak­ing, but notices that Leon is always dressed in very large, worn-in cloth­ing when­ev­er they con­nect for their vir­tu­al ses­sions. After talk­ing with Leon, his ther­a­pist dis­cov­ers that his fam­i­ly can’t afford to buy him his own new clothes, so he wears the old hand-me-downs from his old­er sib­lings. He wants more than any­thing to be able to pick out his very own Cubs hoodie.

Your gift gives kids like Leon the oppor­tu­ni­ty to choose some­thing that is impor­tant to them all on their own, with­out cre­at­ing extra expens­es for their fam­i­lies. It helps chil­dren express their indi­vid­u­al­i­ty as they per­son­al­ly select a gift that will bring them the most joy.

Make Your Gift

Your tax deductible gift helps make the hol­i­days for a KYC client or fam­i­ly. Please spon­sor our clients today.

**Update!** We are THRILLED to share that we were able to pro­vide a gift to every per­son who was nom­i­nat­ed to this pro­gram, thanks to the gen­eros­i­ty of hun­dreds of car­ing com­mu­ni­ty mem­bers! Any addi­tion­al gifts received to this pro­gram will ben­e­fit our emer­gency assis­tance funds, which help indi­vid­u­als in need all year round.

Thank You, Sponsors!

Learn more about our spon­sor­ship oppor­tu­ni­ties here.

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