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Jen­nifer­’s Sto­ry Sur­viv­ing Domes­tic Violence

Accord­ing to the Nation­al Coali­tion Against Domes­tic Vio­lence (NCADV), one in four women sur­vives seri­ous domes­tic abuse in their life­time, with over 10 mil­lion peo­ple a year being abused by an inti­mate partner. 

This trau­ma can fol­low sur­vivors for the rest of their lives.

At KYC, our goal is to pro­vide all of our clients with the tools they need to nav­i­gate their recov­ery. Through indi­vid­ual ther­a­py, groups, and com­pas­sion­ate care plan­ning, clients can and do thrive as survivors. 

We are hon­ored to be a part of Jen­nifer­’s journey.

Con­tent warn­ing: the video below includes a first-hand account of phys­i­cal and emo­tion­al vio­lence and vio­lent threats that Jen­nifer expe­ri­enced. It also includes the phys­i­cal, emo­tion­al, and men­tal injuries and trau­ma that she and her fam­i­ly suf­fered from, includ­ing self-injury and sui­ci­dal thoughts. Please choose to watch at your own dis­cre­tion as you care for your own wellbeing.

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We are proud to cel­e­brate Jen­ny’s work toward recov­ery and hon­ored to share her sto­ry as part of our #KYC50For50 cam­paign in hon­or of our 50th anniversary.

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Amer­i­can fam­i­lies have a rel­a­tive who has a men­tal illness.

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