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Decem­ber Mes­sage from the CEO

Dear Friends of KYC,

As the final weeks of 2017 approach and we pre­pare for the new year, the ener­gy of the hol­i­days surges with new excite­ment and antic­i­pa­tion. Cel­e­bra­tions abound and our cal­en­dars crowd with upcom­ing activ­i­ties before the ring­ing in of 2018. As I step into our offices, the ener­gy is unmis­tak­able. The joy is pal­pa­ble. The spir­it of the sea­son is alive and well at KYC.

For many in our com­mu­ni­ty, that hol­i­day hap­pi­ness comes from the engage­ment, sup­port, and ded­i­ca­tion of our staff and vol­un­teers. From hot lunch­es deliv­ered to home­bound seniors to gifts giv­en through our Adopt a Fam­i­ly pro­gram, the gen­eros­i­ty of many ensures that everyone’s sea­son is warm and bright. Thank you for being a part of this hol­i­day cheer.

This year has been filled with growth and change. We set ambi­tious goals to max­i­mize our pro­duc­tiv­i­ty, encour­age inno­va­tion, and always pro­vide qual­i­ty care. The upcom­ing year is no dif­fer­ent. KYC is and will be the pre­mière provider of behav­ioral health and old­er adult ser­vices in Elk Grove and Schaum­burg Town­ship. We want to expand our ser­vices and con­tin­u­al­ly grow to meet the needs of our com­mu­ni­ty. But to do this, we’ll need your help. We need your con­tin­ued sup­port, advo­ca­cy, and giv­ing. Togeth­er, we can make 2018 our best yet. Our clients depend on our best. They need us. We need you.

So as we close this year and start the next, please take a moment to con­sid­er how you can help us change lives for the bet­ter. Vol­un­teer. Donate. Share our mes­sage. You have our com­mit­ment that we’ll work hard­er than ever before to pro­vide care with com­pas­sion, dig­ni­ty, and respect. Our clients deserve our best.

From my fam­i­ly to yours, may the new year bring the very best to you and yours.

Until 2018,

Susan E. Cowen
Pres­i­dent & Chief Exec­u­tive Officer

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