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Staff Spot­light: Cel­e­brat­ing the Hol­i­days in Spite of COVID-19

One of KYC’s very own staff mem­bers shares thoughts on how com­mu­ni­ty mem­bers can safe­ly enjoy the holidays.

By: Daxa Sanghvi, MSW

Daxa Selfie

It is impor­tant to take time to enjoy the lit­tle plea­sures in life. We can be cre­ative and mod­i­fy how we celebrate.

  • Soak in the sun­shine. If you are able to, get out in the sun for 15 to 30 min­utes. If it gets too cold, sit by a sun­ny win­dow or the patio and receive the sun. This is a life force that would boost your mood and ener­gize you. 
  • Get groceries/​meals deliv­ered to your home. Enjoy the meals, savor the taste and take your time. 
  • Call the fam­i­ly and friends that you can­not meet with, sched­ule zoom time to see each oth­er and talk about every­thing. The food you ate, how much we dis­like the sit­u­a­tion we are in, what ideas we can come up with to cre­ate our hap­py times and what we have learnt from these past months.
  • While you are hav­ing zoom meet­ings, you can make it even more fun with triv­ia or oth­er games that you can play. On zoom or google meet­ings, you can do a lot of things togeth­er as a group. 
  • If pos­si­ble, go for a long ride. Just the change of land­scape might be refresh­ing. Go to some small town or a park, for safe­ty eat out­side, bring your pic­nic bas­ket or pick up your favorite food at a restau­rant and enjoy. 
  • At home, watch your favorite shows or movies.
  • Pick up a hob­by. Some­thing you always want­ed to try or a nov­el idea. There are so many lit­tle projects and cre­ative ideas on YouTube for you to try. 
  • Our mind has infi­nite abil­i­ty of think­ing of new pos­si­bil­i­ties, let it run wild.
  • Take time to lis­ten to your body, your mind and your emo­tions. Talk about it with a good friend. 
  • Do what you can to cre­ate your hap­pi­ness, one moment at a time.

Please take safe­ty pre­cau­tions, boost your immu­ni­ty and spend time doing some­thing that makes you happy.

Enjoy the food, fun and vir­tu­al fam­i­ly time.

I am grate­ful to have the whole world work­ing togeth­er towards a com­mon goal of com­bat­ing COVID-19. What hap­pens to oth­ers, affects us even­tu­al­ly. So let us wish hap­pi­ness and health for every­one everywhere.

Hap­py Thanksgiving.


Daxa Sanghvi, MSW
Ken­neth Young Center

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of cas­es of men­tal ill­ness begin by age 14.

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