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Recov­ery with KYC on Hub­bard Helps Chica­go — 101.9FM The MIX

Daryl Pass, KYC’s Man­ag­er of Recov­ery Sup­port Ser­vices, was recent­ly fea­tured on Hub­bard Helps Chica­go, a local­ly-pro­duced pub­lic affairs radio pro­gram, fea­tured on 101.9FM the MIX WTMX.

Lis­ten as he talks about the work that KYC is doing to sup­port com­mu­ni­ty mem­bers liv­ing in Recov­ery, and about two upcom­ing events that will be held in hon­or of Inter­na­tion­al Over­dose Aware­ness Day and Nation­al Recov­ery Month.

Daryl not only leads KYC’s SMART Recov­ery and non-clin­i­cal recov­ery pro­gram­ming, but he also shares his own expe­ri­ence liv­ing in recov­ery. Read more about his work and his jour­ney here.

Join KYC for our Inter­na­tion­al Over­dose Aware­ness Day Event: August 31st

International overdose awareness day

Join us for an evening of remem­brance, speak­ers, resources, and com­mu­ni­ty con­nec­tion. The gath­er­ing will include a can­dle-light vig­il hon­or­ing those we have lost, as well as music and qui­et reflec­tion. Find more infor­ma­tion about the event here.

Join us Sep­tem­ber 10th for Remem­ber. Recov­er. Discover.”

RRD Banner

Join us for this free event to reduce stig­ma, increase knowl­edge, and pro­vide recov­ery sup­port for: sub­stance mis­use, adverse men­tal health, co-occur­ring trau­ma, and addic­tive behav­iors. Learn more about Remem­ber. Recov­er. Dis­cov­er.” here.

Learn with KYC this Sep­tem­ber: Webi­nar Wednesdays

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This webi­nar series pro­vides the oppor­tu­ni­ty to more from peo­ple with lived expe­ri­ences and con­tent experts who will pro­vide resources and infor­ma­tion about recov­ery. Let’s get con­nect­ed to the recov­ery com­mu­ni­ty! #Recov­ery­Be­longs

2.5 CEU’s will be offered each day for LPC, LCPC, LSW, LCSW, MFT, LMFT, and CADC.

Sep­tem­ber 7th: Pre-Arrest Diver­sion and SMART Recov­ery
Sep­tem­ber 14th: Med­ical Assist­ed Treat­ment
Sep­tem­ber 21st: A Clos­er Look at Denial and Lived Expe­ri­ence

Sep­tem­ber 28th: Harm Reduc­tion and Trauma

Check Out Our Recov­ery Toolkit

Recov­ery is pos­si­ble. Recov­ery is a process of change through which indi­vid­u­als improve their health and well­ness, live a self-direct­ed life, and strive to reach their full poten­tial. Vis­it our recov­ery resource page to find help­ful tools for peo­ple liv­ing with opi­oid and/​or oth­er co-occur­ring men­tal health disorders.

Con­tact KYC for Support

Com­mu­ni­ty mem­bers look­ing for sup­port for sub­stance use or men­tal health chal­lenges can con­nect with KYC at 8475248800.

To learn more about our SMART Recov­ery and non-clin­i­cal recov­ery pro­gram­ming, please con­tact 2242297456 or email our recov­ery team.

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