Notice of Cybersecurity Incident

Black Gold Simple RIP Rest in Peace In Memoriam Poster

In Lov­ing Mem­o­ry of Nan­cy Czarnik


It is with deep sad­ness that we share the pass­ing of our beloved friend, Nan­cy Czarnik.

Nan­cy was a long-time vol­un­teer, sup­port­er, and Board Mem­ber for KYC. She vol­un­teered for years on the Fash­ion Show Com­mit­tee and served for more than 6 years as a direc­tor on our Board. After retir­ing from Board ser­vice in 2018, Nan­cy con­tin­ued to advo­cate for KYC through her com­mu­ni­ty work and lead­er­ship as a Trustee for the Vil­lage of Elk Grove. She was a trust­ed advi­sor to KYC’s Lead­er­ship Team, offer­ing insights and guid­ance over Star­bucks-fueled meet­ings and always inspired the best from our team.

Nan­cy will be deeply missed and KYC is proud to be part of her liv­ing lega­cy through her memo­r­i­al. Gifts in mem­o­ry of Nan­cy can be made below:

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of chil­dren in the U.S. strug­gle with seri­ous chal­lenges to their emo­tion­al and men­tal health.

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