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July’s Let­ter from the CEO

Dear Friends of KYC,

Hap­py new (fis­cal) year! In addi­tion to cel­e­brat­ing Inde­pen­dence Day on the 4th and Nation­al Ice Cream Month all month long, July marks the begin­ning of a new fis­cal year for our agency. It’s an excit­ing time for us as we set pro­gram bud­gets, make agency-wide plans, and cel­e­brate anoth­er suc­cess­ful year at KYC

We have big plans for KYC. We’ve shared our new logo and this month, we’re unveil­ing our new web­site! Please vis­it www​.ken​nethy​oung​.org to see the new look for our agency’s online pres­ence and keep check­ing back as we con­tin­ue to use our web­site as an impor­tant way to get infor­ma­tion out to you. Is there some­thing you wish was on the new web­site? Do you need more infor­ma­tion? Share your feed­back through the Get In Touch” sec­tion at the bot­tom of every page. We’re excit­ed to hear from you!

We also hope you’ll sign up to join us for the 30th Annu­al Golf Out­ing com­ing up on August 2nd. It’s a beau­ti­ful day to be out­side and cel­e­brate KYC’s ser­vice to our com­mu­ni­ty. Not a golfer? There’s an evening din­ner that’s open to any­one that ensures we can all par­tic­i­pate in the event. Find details in this month’s newslet­ter and on our new web­site that I know you’ll be check­ing out now. Hint. Hint! 

A new fis­cal year marks a time to launch and rein­vig­o­rate. Despite unprece­dent­ed times in our state, we’re proud to con­tin­ue our ser­vice to peo­ple of all ages. We con­tin­ue to find new ways to serve our clients and are thank­ful to friends like you who sup­port our agency in so many ways. Your gen­eros­i­ty, advo­ca­cy, and engage­ment with our orga­ni­za­tion ensure that this new year will be our very best yet. Thank you.

Until August,

Susan E. Cowen
Pres­i­dent & Chief Exec­u­tive Officer

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