Notice of Cybersecurity Incident


KYC Deliv­ers Cook­ies to First Responders

By, Tica King, Recov­ery Counselor

I hear the sirens…I see the first respon­ders, police, fire­men, emer­gency tech­ni­cians answer our call. Ken­neth Young Cen­ter, a Com­mu­ni­ty Men­tal Health Provider in Elk Grove Vil­lage, is in need. Our clients are good peo­ple who occa­sion­al­ly lose self-con­trol and are in need of assis­tance. The men and women in uni­form so respect­ful­ly, pro­fes­sion­al­ly, and cour­te­ous­ly car­ry on their mis­sion to help, save, serve, and pro­tect the com­mu­ni­ty. I’ve seen it time and time again as a Recov­ery Coun­selor at Ken­neth Young Cen­ter. How do we thank these mar­velous first respon­ders? A small token of appre­ci­a­tion, Cook­ies for our Coura­geous Heroes, was start­ed three years ago. KYC’s staff, clients, and vol­un­teers, along with Jarosch’s Bak­ery, drop off baked cook­ies to the local police and fire depart­ments. One police chief said, It isn’t nec­es­sary, but we sure do appre­ci­ate it!”

We too at Ken­neth Young Cen­ter help, save, and serve the com­mu­ni­ty and we are hon­ored to work with our First Respon­ders. It is the least we can do for the great­est among us,” said Tica King who coor­di­nat­ed the event.

Caring Cookie Helpers

Caring Cookie Delivers stop for a photo with our police partners!

Cookies With The Cheif

Cookies with the Chief!

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of us will expe­ri­ence some form of men­tal ill­ness in our lifetime

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