Notice of Cybersecurity Incident

Highland Park Statement Banner

KYC State­ment on the High­land Park Shooting

It is with heavy hearts that KYC grieves with the com­mu­ni­ty of High­land Park and all who are impact­ed by yes­ter­day’s trag­ic events. We know that mul­ti­ple mem­bers of our staff, vol­un­teers, clients, and com­mu­ni­ty part­ners were direct­ly impact­ed, and count­less folks are work­ing to deal with the news. No fam­i­ly should have to fear for the safe­ty of their child, sib­ling, par­ent, neigh­bor, or friend as they strive to learn, edu­cate, work, shop, or cel­e­brate in what should be the safe­ty of their local communities.

Every­one deserves to live safely.

KYC is com­mit­ted to help­ing our neigh­bors through­out the north­west sub­urbs find the resources they need to sup­port their well­be­ing. As we are all pro­cess­ing the news dif­fer­ent­ly, please take time to rec­og­nize how you’re feel­ing and to give your­self space to con­nect with the sup­port that you need at this time. Below, you’ll find infor­ma­tion and pro­grams that may be help­ful as you kind­ly care for your­selves and loved ones.

If you’re look­ing for sup­port but aren’t sure where to start, our team can help con­nect you with local resources at 8475248800.

Please check in with your friends, fam­i­lies, loved ones, and neigh­bors. Sup­port one anoth­er, and grant each oth­er the grace to process this immense trau­ma. It’s OK not to be OK. Please help one anoth­er find what we need to cope in healthy ways.

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