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An Update from KYC’s Lead­er­ship Team

After six years as Ken­neth Young Center’s Pres­i­dent & CEO, Grace Hong Duf­fin has announced that she will be resign­ing her posi­tion to move into the pri­vate sec­tor, effec­tive Sep­tem­ber 132024.

This was an incred­i­bly dif­fi­cult deci­sion” Grace shared, but ulti­mate­ly, it’s the right time for me per­son­al­ly and I tru­ly believe it’s the right time for the orga­ni­za­tion to move into its next chapter.”

Pri­or to being appoint­ed the CEO, Grace served as KYC’s COO for three years, cumu­la­tive­ly ded­i­cat­ing near­ly a decade of her career to the agency. Dur­ing her tenure, the agency has grown expo­nen­tial­ly in bud­get size, staffing, and most impor­tant­ly, in the num­ber of clients being served. Under her lead­er­ship, KYC opened the first LGBTQ+ Cen­ter in the north­west sub­urbs, broad­ened clin­i­cal and non­clin­i­cal recov­ery pro­grams, grew ser­vices for old­er adults, embed­ded clin­i­cians in high-need schools, and expand­ed cri­sis sup­ports to serve clients when care is need­ed the most. 

We’re grate­ful for Grace’s impact at KYC and proud of the work this team does to sup­port our com­mu­ni­ty” said Eliz­a­beth Demaret, Chair of the Board. We wish her noth­ing but the best and have full con­fi­dence in the strength, integri­ty, and capac­i­ty of KYC’s Lead­er­ship Team to nav­i­gate this transition.”

Steven Gay­dos, KYC’s Chief Finan­cial Offi­cer, will serve as the Inter­im CEO while a nation­wide search is launched to iden­ti­fy the agency’s next leader. Steve brings more than 30 years of expe­ri­ence work­ing in the finance and health­care sec­tors, with 25 years focused on health­care man­age­ment and a decade in the non­prof­it arena.

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