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Meet Wayne Anderson

Wayne Headshot

Board Chair Fis­cal Year 2018 – 2019

Wayne was intro­duced to Ken­neth Young Cen­ter by his neigh­bor Bill — a pas­sion­ate ambas­sador for the agency and long-term Board Mem­ber. As strong Board Mem­bers do, Bill told Wayne about the impor­tant work being done by KYC and invit­ed him to come to KYC’s events to learn more.

By 2013, Wayne was not only attend­ing KYC’s spe­cial events, he joined the Golf Com­mit­tee to help plan them. He even vol­un­teered to walk the run­way at the annu­al Fash­ion Show as one of the Men in Tux”, sell­ing raf­fle tick­ets and assist­ing at the event, always with a quick wit and a warm smile.

In Feb­ru­ary of 2016, after being nom­i­nat­ed by his neigh­bor Bill, he deep­ened his com­mit­ment and joined the Board of Direc­tors. After two years, he was elect­ed as the Chair of the Board and served in this capac­i­ty from July 1, 2018 to June 30, 2019. Dur­ing this time, Wayne led the Board as they iden­ti­fied and hired KYC’s new CEO, Grace Hong Duffin. 

Wayne has an uncan­ny abil­i­ty to bal­ance the struc­ture and strat­e­gy need­ed to keep projects on task, with the humor and thought­ful­ness that make him a joy to work with” said Grace. 

Wayne con­tin­ues to active­ly serve on the Board of Direc­tors and the Finance Com­mit­tee. KYC is proud to rec­og­nize and thank Wayne for his com­mit­ment to our orga­ni­za­tion. We look for­ward to con­tin­u­ing our work together!

Men in Tux 2015

KYC's 2015 Fashion Show Men in Tux

Spe­cial Reflec­tion from For­mer Board Chair (Fis­cal Year 2012 – 2014) Bill Rudolph

I had the great plea­sure of first meet­ing Wayne and his fam­i­ly when we moved from Geor­gia to Fox Riv­er Grove in 2000. Wayne Ander­son is an excep­tion­al indi­vid­ual. Wayne and his fam­i­ly tru­ly demon­strate Mid­west­ern warmth and hos­pi­tal­i­ty. Over the years, our fam­i­lies have spent many enjoy­able hours togeth­er includ­ing holidays.

Wayne and his wife Lisa have raised two excep­tion­al chil­dren. Mol­ly has spent sev­er­al sum­mers at a camp work­ing for spe­cial needs indi­vid­u­als and Tyler recent­ly com­plet­ed a two year assign­ment in Paraguay as a Peace Corp vol­un­teer. Wayne was also a vol­un­teer coach for sev­er­al youth sports leagues and pro­vid­ed lead­er­ship for many chil­dren in the neigh­bor­hood over the years.

Hav­ing come to know Wayne through our many inter­ac­tions, I felt he would be a good fit for KYC. I was hon­ored to spon­sor Wayne’s mem­ber­ship in the Board of Direc­tors. In spite of his hec­tic work sched­ule, Wayne sup­port­ed sev­er­al of the com­mit­tees need­ed to pro­vide direc­tion for KYC’s many pro­grams. His efforts were rec­og­nized by the orga­ni­za­tion when he was asked to assume the role of Chair­man of the Board. I know he is proud of the things KYC has accom­plished dur­ing his tenure and his con­tri­bu­tions. I am proud to call him my friend.

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