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KYC’s Mem­o­ry Café Grand Opening

KYC is excit­ed to announce the grand open­ing of a Mem­o­ry Café on Jan­u­ary 18th, thanks to a gen­er­ous grant from AgeOp­tions. The Mem­o­ry Café will hold engag­ing activ­i­ties like inter­ac­tive games, live enter­tain­ment, and shared meals to encour­age com­mu­ni­ty and sup­port healthy rela­tion­ships among peo­ple liv­ing with demen­tia and their caregivers. 

Mem­o­ry Cafes Encour­age Com­mu­ni­ty Among Peo­ple Liv­ing with Mem­o­ry Impair­ment and Caregivers

KYC’s Mem­o­ry Café is open to any­one liv­ing with mem­o­ry impair­ments and their care­givers, regard­less of whether either per­son is a cur­rent KYC client. The Mem­o­ry Café will meet once per month for an hour or two. There is no cost to attend the Café, although reg­is­tra­tion is required. Both the per­son with mem­o­ry impair­ment and their care­giv­er must attend together. 

A light meal will be pro­vid­ed, and a trained Café Leader will lead a vari­ety of engag­ing activ­i­ties that will pro­mote healthy inter­ac­tion. Activ­i­ties may include games, infor­ma­tive pre­sen­ta­tions, and live enter­tain­ment. The kinds of activ­i­ties pro­vid­ed will be flex­i­ble and large­ly dri­ven by the inter­ests of those who attend the Café.

Peo­ple liv­ing with mem­o­ry impair­ment and their care­givers can often become social­ly iso­lat­ed due to the social stig­ma and the chal­lenges asso­ci­at­ed with demen­tia. The pur­pose of a Mem­o­ry Café is to encour­age com­mu­ni­ty among peo­ple liv­ing with demen­tia and their care­givers and to help build pos­i­tive rela­tion­ships through engag­ing activ­i­ties. Our Café Lead­ers will cre­ate a wel­com­ing envi­ron­ment in which care­givers and peo­ple with mem­o­ry impair­ments can con­nect and share resources or sug­ges­tions with one another. 

Details for the Grand Opening

Jane Allyson Photo Ad

The Memory Café grand opening on January 18th, 2019 will feature live musical performances by Jane Allyson.

KYC’s first Mem­o­ry Café is sched­uled to be held in Jan­u­ary 18th, 2019 from 12:30pm‑2:30pm at KYC’s Elk Grove Office, and will fea­ture live musi­cal per­for­mances by Jane Allyson. Reg­is­tra­tion is required pri­or to attend­ing the Café. Please call (847)5248800 x168 for more infor­ma­tion or to reg­is­ter. If some­one you know may be inter­est­ed, please feel free to share this flyer.

January Memory Cafe Social

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