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Per­fect Pair: Beer & Grilled Cheese Tasting

Toasty Cheese & Church Street Brew­ing Co.

Wednes­day, March 27th
6pm — 8pm
Church Street Brew­ing Co.
1480 Indus­tri­al Dri­ve C, Itasca

Taste 4 Church Street beers paired with Toasty Cheese sand­wich slices!

Pur­chase your tick­ets by Fri­day, March 22nd to attend this event. Buy your tick­et before March 8th and receive a bonus tick­et for one full-sized beer to enjoy after the tasting!

Please note that you must be 21 or old­er to pur­chase or con­sume alco­holic bev­er­ages. KYC encour­ages every­one to drink responsibly.

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