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Sep­tem­ber Let­ter from the CEO

Dear Friends of KYC,

With sum­mer quick­ly tran­si­tion­ing into fall, we’re excit­ed to share lots of infor­ma­tion with you in this month’s newsletter. 

Each year dur­ing the back-to-school sea­son, we see a dra­mat­ic increase in the num­ber of child and ado­les­cent clients who reen­gage in ther­a­py as rou­tines for­mal­ize and stress increas­es in the lives of stu­dents. Our staff is at the ready, pro­vid­ing ther­a­py to more than 2,000 young peo­ple each year. As we pre­pare to meet this demand, please check out our Ama­zon Reg­istry to ensure KYC and our clients have all the sup­plies we need for a new school year.

Also in the fall, we have tra­di­tion­al­ly cel­e­brat­ed the vol­un­teers who tire­less­ly sup­port KYC across all of our pro­grams. We couldn’t do our work with­out ded­i­cat­ed part­ners and friends. If you vol­un­teer with us or would like to learn more about how you can sup­port us as a vol­un­teer, please join us Octo­ber 17th for our annu­al vol­un­teer din­ner and cel­e­bra­tion. More infor­ma­tion is pro­vid­ed on the invi­ta­tion in this newsletter.

As a final note, I want­ed to take a moment to encour­age us all to remem­ber to look out for one anoth­er. Over the last week, our coun­try has seen dev­as­tat­ing flood­ing in and around Hous­ton. The pho­tos are heart­break­ing and the full impact of this dis­as­ter won’t be real­ized until clean up can begin. Strangers have trav­eled from across the coun­try to try to help those most des­per­ate­ly in need, empow­er­ing us all to find ways to reach out and sup­port one anoth­er. I’m proud that KYC acts as a lifeboat to clients expe­ri­enc­ing their own over­whelm­ing issues. I’m deeply grate­ful to the part­ners and friends who con­tin­ue to work with us to serve old­er adults and peo­ple liv­ing with men­tal ill­ness. Our thoughts are with the peo­ple of Hous­ton and any­one in need across the coun­try. Let us band togeth­er to always help oth­ers feel good, do bet­ter, and find solu­tions”, what­ev­er they may be.

Until Octo­ber,

Susan E. Cowen, Pres­i­dent & Chief Exec­u­tive Officer

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