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2021 Volunteer Month Blog Banners 1

Cel­e­brat­ing KYC’s Longest-Tenured Volunteers

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We are proud to celebrate these incredible volunteers as part of our #KYC50For50 campaign of sharing 50 stories and celebrations in our 50th anniversary year.

This Nation­al Vol­un­teer Month, KYC is hon­ored to rec­og­nize the achieve­ments of some of our longest-tenured vol­un­teers! Their decades of ded­i­ca­tion and ser­vice have changed the lives of so many, and for that, we can’t thank them enough! The com­mit­ment of these mighty vol­un­teers is unwa­ver­ing and absolute­ly awe-inspir­ing. We are hon­ored to share the work of build­ing health­i­er, stronger com­mu­ni­ties with this incred­i­bly ded­i­cat­ed crew.

George Bai­ley

Thank you, George, for 24 years of ded­i­cat­ed ser­vice to our Home Deliv­ered Meals pro­gram! In all kinds of weath­er and through it all, we’re grate­ful for George’s kind ser­vice to our fel­low com­mu­ni­ty members.

Per and Nora Bogehegn

Thank you, Per and Nora, for an amaz­ing 40 years of vol­un­teer ser­vice! Per and Nora have been deliv­er­ing Meals for decades, in addi­tion to plan­ning KYC events. Thank you both for your dedication!

Orville Brown

Orville and his late wife Bet­ty have been ded­i­cat­ed KYC vol­un­teers and Meals dri­vers for more than three decades! We can’t thank you enough, Orville, for bright­en­ing the days of many, many clients through­out the years!

Cheri Cage

Thank you, Cheri, for 23 years of vol­un­teer ser­vice through our Meals program!

Lor­ry Christensen

Lor­ry has been vol­un­teer­ing for an incred­i­ble 26 years, as both a Meals dri­ver, and offer­ing admin­is­tra­tive sup­port. Thank you, Lorry!

Don and Ruth Howard

Thank you, Don and Ruth, for 22 years of vol­un­teer ser­vice! When asked about his vol­un­teer expe­ri­ence, Don shared we real­ly enjoyed it and gave us so much sat­is­fac­tion over the years. It was so good to to give back and we met so many won­der­ful peo­ple!” Thank you, Don and Ruth, for shar­ing your time and tal­ents with KYC!

Ray and Kathy Polach

Thank you, Ray and Kathy, for 21 years of vol­un­teer ser­vice! Ray and Kathy have tak­en on many vol­un­teer roles at KYC, includ­ing as ded­i­cat­ed Meals dri­vers! Kathy is also a for­mer Board mem­ber and cur­rent mem­ber of the Hus­tle for Health 5K Com­mit­tee. Thank you both for all that you do!

Frank Raml­jak

Thank you, Frank, for 23 incred­i­ble years of ser­vice deliv­er­ing Meals!

John­ny Wedekind

John­ny has been deliv­er­ing Meals for over 24 years! Thank you, John­ny, for your years of kind service!

We are proud to share that there are even more vol­un­teers with out­stand­ing ser­vice records than list­ed above! They will be added to the list as we receive their per­mis­sion to high­light their achievements.

Vol­un­teer with KYC

Inspired by these astound­ing achieve­ments? Learn how you can join them in the ranks of leg­endary KYC vol­un­teers today! Check out this blog page to see the kinds of vol­un­teer roles that KYC has to offer, and con­tact our Vol­un­teer Ser­vices team at 8475248800 ext. 182 to see if there is an oppor­tu­ni­ty that is right for you.

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of cas­es of men­tal ill­ness begin by age 14.

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