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National Volunteer Month 2022 Blog Banner

Thank­ful For Our Volunteers

Vol­un­teers are absolute­ly essen­tial to KYC. Through their kind­ness, tal­ents, and skills, the com­mu­ni­ty mem­bers we serve are con­nect­ed with the resources they need to thrive. From deliv­er­ing nutri­tious meals to home­bound old­er adults to gar­den­ing to pro­vid­ing expert finan­cial advise, our vol­un­teers build stronger com­mu­ni­ties. We’re grate­ful for them all year round, and have invit­ed our staff to share about the impact our vol­un­teers make in hon­or of Nation­al Vol­un­teer Month (April).

Lead­ing KYC’s Mission


KYC is blessed with a robust group of vol­un­teers, led by our strate­gic, thought­ful, and ded­i­cat­ed Board of Direc­tors. Their guid­ance and sup­port helps KYC both respond to the cur­rent needs of our com­mu­ni­ty and plan for a brighter future for our clients, staff, and agency. We couldn’t do this work with­out them!”

- Grace Hong Duf­fin, KYC’s Pres­i­dent & CEO

Deliv­er­ing Care and Kindness


I want to give the biggest shout out ever to all of our Home Deliv­ered Meals vol­un­teers. Our pro­gram could nev­er be what it is with­out them. All of our vol­un­teers go the extra mile to make sure the clients receive their meal; even if that means turn­ing back around. I am hon­ored to work along­side them every week and see­ing them care about their clients, makes my day 1,000 times better”.

- Jes­si­ca Oli­va, KYC’s Advo­ca­cy & Sup­port Team Lead

Engag­ing Our Communities


Our event vol­un­teers are absolute­ly amaz­ing! Our plan­ning Com­mit­tees share so much care and kind­ness to make our events engag­ing, wel­com­ing, and suc­cess­ful. From months of thought­ful plan­ning to jump­ing in to run the show on the day-of, our vol­un­teers make our events shine as bright­ly as they do. I’m so grate­ful for all they do for KYC!”

- Jes­si­ca W., KYC’s Man­ag­er of Devel­op­ment & Communications

Cre­at­ing Wel­com­ing Spaces


I want­ed to thank Finn Duf­fin for his hard work on mov­ing mulch around. He worked hard­er than any­one I’ve seen and enjoyed it as well. The Super­man of yardwork!”

- Sebas­t­ian

A vol­un­teer trans­formed the court­yard gar­dens with some bed edg­ing, rak­ing, mulching, and weed­ing work. After that, it looked so amaz­ing for the rest of the year. A world class com­mu­ni­ty mem­ber like this is tru­ly the salt of the earth and makes such a big dif­fer­ence in the clien­t’s appre­ci­a­tion of the space around them.”

- Mike

Lend­ing Expert Advice to the Peo­ple We Serve


Thank you to the incred­i­ble work of the Mon­ey Man­age­ment vol­un­teers who work with our Old­er Adults and Com­mu­ni­ty Liv­ing teams. You all go above and beyond, always find­ing a cre­ative way to solve a prob­lem and help­ing a client bet­ter man­age their finances and often sav­ing them hun­dreds of dol­lars. You offer to help train new vol­un­teers and edu­cate staff on all the ways Mon­ey Man­age­ment ser­vices can help their clients. KYC is so lucky to have you all!”

- Lisa, KYC’s Direc­tor of Com­mu­ni­ty Living

Vol­un­teer with KYC

Are you look­ing for your next mean­ing­ful vol­un­teer oppor­tu­ni­ty? Check out our vol­un­teer oppor­tu­ni­ties here to see if there is a role that’s right for you.

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of chil­dren in the U.S. strug­gle with seri­ous chal­lenges to their emo­tion­al and men­tal health.

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