Notice of Cybersecurity Incident

Recovery Team

See KYC’s New Recov­ery Video

Dear KYC Supporters,

As you know, this year’s Hus­tle for Health 5K will be host­ed on Sat­ur­day, June 9th. With just two months to go, I want­ed to share why I walk and ask all my friends and fam­i­ly to join me. KYC serves the most vul­ner­a­ble mem­bers of our com­mu­ni­ty. From nutri­tious meals and well­ness checks for home­bound seniors to ther­a­py for chil­dren and youth, our team works every day to pro­tect and empow­er our clients.

With men­tal health so promi­nent­ly in the news, please take two min­utes to watch this video:

Tica, Loret­ta, and Adri­enne demon­strate lives that have been changed by KYC. There are thou­sands more who engage in ther­a­py, senior sup­port ser­vices, pos­i­tive youth devel­op­ment pro­grams and more at KYC. Help us to con­tin­ue to thrive. Reg­is­ter to walk, run, or make a dona­tion today: kycwalk​.every​day​hero​.do.

See you June 9th at Busse Woods!

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Amer­i­can fam­i­lies have a rel­a­tive who has a men­tal illness.

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