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Mary Recognition At All Staff April 2018

Vol­un­teer Spot­light: Mary Phelan

By: Tica King, Adult Recov­ery Counselor

Let’s cel­e­brate spring! Let us also cel­e­brate Mary Phe­lan! She is not only an extra­or­di­nary vol­un­teer, she is a gen­er­ous donor and a true recov­ery suc­cess sto­ry. Mary has cre­at­ed hun­dreds of beau­ti­ful hand­craft­ed cards over the past 15 years. She has sold them after All Staff Meet­ings, at craft fairs, and in the Ken­neth Young Cen­ter lob­by. Her East­er col­lec­tion was love­ly. All the mon­ey from the card sales has been donat­ed to KYC.

Yes, Mary inspires peo­ple. She has hero­ical­ly faced and over­come many dif­fi­cult chal­lenges, and we staff and clients admire her great­ly. She lov­ing­ly teach­es oth­er clients hot to make cards and devel­op work skills. Peo­ple love spend­ing time with her because she is so down to earth, under­stand­ing, and fun­ny. She is a pow­er­ful exam­ple of courage and humil­i­ty because she nev­er seeks recog­ni­tion, wealth, or prestige.

We hon­ored Mary Phe­lan at our April All Staff Meet­ing and gave her tokens of our deep appre­ci­a­tion for her con­tri­bu­tions to Ken­neth Young center.

Thank you, Mary!

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