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Vol­un­teer Spot­light: Meet Melissa

Ken­neth Young Cen­ter is thrilled to sup­port young vol­un­teers as they learn, grow, and engage with our communities. 

Meet Melis­sa, a Girl Scout Cadette from Troop 45255. This spring, Troop 45255 cre­at­ed inspi­ra­tional art­work as a way to show sup­port for KYC’s clients as they work towards well­ness. After con­tribut­ing to the Troop’s project, Melis­sa decid­ed that she would like to use her tal­ents to sup­port KYC even fur­ther. She chose to col­lab­o­rate with KYC for her Sil­ver Award project, the high­est award that a Girl Scout Cadette can earn by mak­ing a pos­i­tive impact in their com­mu­ni­ty. With the guid­ance and sup­port from her Troop Leader as well as her par­ents, Melis­sa took the next steps to plan her Sil­ver Award project with KYC.

Troop Art Photo

Learn, Cre­ate, Educate!

Melis­sa met with KYC staff and learned about the vari­ety of wrap-around ser­vices that Ken­neth Young Cen­ter offers. Although she was already famil­iar with KYC’s behav­ioral health work through her Troop’s orig­i­nal project, she dis­cov­ered that KYC also pro­vides com­pre­hen­sive old­er adult and com­mu­ni­ty-based sub­stance use pre­ven­tion pro­grams. As she learned more, she was ener­gized to help edu­cate her com­mu­ni­ty mem­bers about the depth of ser­vices that are avail­able to them. In addi­tion to updat­ing sev­er­al of KYC’s pro­gram brochures, Melis­sa want­ed to cre­ate new, engag­ing mate­ri­als that high­light the scope of cru­cial ser­vices that KYC pro­vides. A video, she decid­ed, would be a ver­sa­tile and effec­tive medi­um through which she could pro­vide an overview of KCY as an orga­ni­za­tion. So, she got to work! 

Melis­sa set about to cre­ate a com­mu­ni­ca­tions piece that KYC will be able to use year after year. You can check out her work below!

Cel­e­brat­ing Con­nec­tions and Com­mu­ni­ty Impact

Melis­sa sees the oppor­tu­ni­ty for her work to help make last­ing con­nec­tions for KYC — con­nec­tions with new and ded­i­cat­ed vol­un­teers, future employ­ees, or com­mu­ni­ty mem­bers who may not have known about all that KYC has to offer. She feels that the aware­ness she can help gen­er­ate and the con­nec­tions she can help make are the tru­ly impact­ful con­tri­bu­tions of her project.

Ken­neth Young Cen­ter is grate­ful for Melis­sa’s ded­i­ca­tion to sup­port­ing KYC. Thank you, Melis­sa, and Troop 45255, for lend­ing your tal­ents and time to serv­ing our com­mu­ni­ties bet­ter together!

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