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2021 Citi Giving Tree Banner2

Adopt a Client or Fam­i­ly this Hol­i­day Season

Thank you for your sup­port of Ken­neth Young Cen­ter’s Adopt a Fam­i­ly Pro­gram through Citi! Each year, hun­dreds of clients and fam­i­lies are nom­i­nat­ed for deeply need­ed gifts for the hol­i­days. We couldn’t bring this hol­i­day cheer to our fam­i­lies with­out you. The Citi team tru­ly makes the hol­i­day sea­son for an incred­i­ble num­ber of our clients! Read more about the mean­ing­ful impact your gift makes.

If you have already adopt­ed some­one through the Share­Point site, please include their first name and the Orna­ment ID” indi­cat­ed for your individual(s) in the Com­ments sec­tion below, and we’ll make sure to get your gift to the right person.

From gro­ceries for a hol­i­day meal to new win­ter clothes or engag­ing toys and activ­i­ties for youth, your tax deductible gift makes the hol­i­days brighter. Thank you, and hap­py holidays!

You're Not Alone

of us will expe­ri­ence some form of men­tal ill­ness in our lifetime

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