Notice of Cybersecurity Incident

Co occuring Groups

Co-Occur­ring Dis­or­der Groups

Young Adult Cannabis Reduc­tion Group

Young adults ages 18 – 30 are wel­come to join us for a week­ly open dia­logue about cannabis use. Learn new skills regard­ing harm reduc­tion strate­gies, relapse pre­ven­tion, recov­ery, and relationships.

Group par­tic­i­pants do not need to be ready to com­mit to absti­nence from cannabis to attend. Peo­ple at all stages of recov­ery are welcome.

Time: Tues­days, 2:00p‑4:00p

Fre­quen­cy: Once a week

Loca­tion: Elk Grove Vil­lage location. 

To par­tic­i­pate in this group, please email suprservices@​kennethyoung.​org.

Co-Occur­ring Dis­or­der Group

SUPR co occuring post uniqueasyou

This group helps clients iden­ti­fy and under­stand their own-per­son­al trig­gers for sub­stance and/​or alco­hol use and how it is con­nect­ed to a co-occur­ring men­tal health con­di­tion. This pro­gram will help clients to:

  • Focus on build­ing relapse pre­ven­tion skills and increas­ing recov­ery-ori­ent­ed supports.
  • Learn about the phys­i­cal and psy­cho­log­i­cal effects of alco­hol and/​or illic­it sub­stance use.
  • Devel­op and uti­lize non-drug/al­co­hol-ori­ent­ed cop­ing meth­ods to man­age men­tal health conditions.
  • Gain knowl­edge about the cycle of addiction

Build­ing Blocks: Cre­at­ing a Foun­da­tion For Change

The Build­ing Blocks group is open to adults 18+ who are unsure of where to start their recov­ery jour­ney. Par­tic­i­pants in this group will be engaged in con­ver­sa­tions about the impact of sub­stance use and men­tal health symp­toms in dai­ly life, receive sup­port in iden­ti­fy­ing per­son­al goals, and learn about moti­va­tion­al skill-build­ing for mak­ing long-term changes.

Time: TBA

Fre­quen­cy: Once a week

Loca­tion: Elk Grove Vil­lage location. 

To par­tic­i­pate in this group, please email suprservices@​kennethyoung.​org.

Seek­ing Safety

Seek­ing Safe­ty is a present-focused group. The goal of this group is to focus on how your symp­toms affect you today and what cop­ing skills you can use to man­age symp­toms. Indi­vid­u­als who strug­gle with trau­ma and risky behav­iors includ­ing sub­stance use, self-harm, dis­or­dered eat­ing, code­pen­den­cy, or any oth­er process addic­tions are invit­ed to attend this group.

Time: TBA, 2 hours

Fre­quen­cy: Once a week

Loca­tion: Elk Grove Vil­lage location.

To par­tic­i­pate in this group, please email suprservices@​kennethyoung.​org.

We are now accept­ing referrals.

Con­tact Us

To learn more about these groups, please email, please call 8475248800 ext. 136 or email our team at suprservices@​kennethyoung.​org.

Please leave us a voice­mail mes­sage and a mem­ber of KYC’s staff will return your call as quick­ly as possible.

If this is an emer­gency, please call 911.

Whether for a short-term sup­port or long-term ther­a­py, KYC is here to sup­port clients regard­less of their abil­i­ty to pay for services.

Pri­vate insur­ance and Med­ic­aid plans are accept­ed. Slid­ing scale fees are available.

To learn about our Good Faith Esti­mate pol­i­cy for ser­vices, click here.

You're Not Alone

5.7 million
Amer­i­cans expe­ri­ence a men­tal health dis­or­der in a giv­en year.

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