Notice of Cybersecurity Incident

Con­tact Us


If this is a life threat­en­ing emer­gency CALL 911

To report elder abuse or neglect, call 18668001409.

Men­tal Health Cri­sis Ser­vices – 847.383.0406

KYC’s Men­tal Health Cri­sis Team can be reached 24-hours a day at 8473830406. Whether you are cur­rent­ly in cri­sis, have con­cerns you’d like to dis­cuss with a trust­ed resource, or some­one you care about needs sup­port, we’re here for you. Send a secure mes­sage here, but please allow a few busi­ness days for your mes­sage to be returned.

Callers who are Deaf, Deaf­Blind, Deaf­Dis­abled, Hard of Hear­ing, and Late-Deaf­ened can call 1 – 800-273-TALK (8255) from a video­phone to con­nect with a trained 988 Life­line coun­selor in Amer­i­can Sign Lan­guage (ASL).

Men­tal Health Ser­vices — 847.524.8800 x.136

For non-emer­gency inquiries to learn more about Ken­neth Young Center’s men­tal health pro­grams, includ­ing ther­a­py, case man­age­ment, screen­ing assess­ment, group pro­grams, and more for peo­ple of all ages, call 8475248800 ext. 136 and leave a voice­mail or send a secure mes­sage to our men­tal health ser­vices intake team here. Mes­sages will be reviewed dur­ing nor­mal busi­ness hours Mon­day – Fri­day. Please allow a few busi­ness days for your mes­sage to be returned.

Senior Ser­vices & Dis­abil­i­ty Resources – 847.524.8800 x.189

For non-emer­gency inquiries for case man­age­ment, in-home senior sup­port, Home Deliv­ered Meals, care­giv­er resources, old­er adult pro­gram­ming, and dis­abil­i­ty resources for adults ages 21 and up, call 8475248800 ext. 189 or send a mes­sage to our Old­er Adults Divi­sion here. Mes­sages will be reviewed dur­ing nor­mal busi­ness hours Mon­day – Fri­day. Please allow a few busi­ness days for your mes­sage to be returned.

Gen­er­al Inquiries — 847.524.8800 x.0

For non-emer­gency admin­is­tra­tive inquiries or gen­er­al ques­tions, please call 8475248800 ext. 0 or send a secure mes­sage here. Email mes­sages will be reviewed dur­ing nor­mal busi­ness hours Mon­day – Fri­day. Please allow a few busi­ness days for your mes­sage to be returned.

Com­mu­ni­ty Col­lab­o­ra­tion — 847.496.5939

Pos­i­tive youth devel­op­ment (pre­ven­tion in schools and the com­mu­ni­ty), non-clin­i­cal sub­stance use recov­ery (SMART recov­ery groups, com­mu­ni­ty Nar­can train­ing, recov­ery coach­ing) and LGBTQ+ pro­gram­ming for youth and young adults

Vol­un­teers – 847.524.8800 x.182

Direct ser­vices to seniors and adults with men­tal ill­ness, or sup­port of KYC through cler­i­cal help, spe­cial projects, or spe­cial events

Part­ners — 847.524.8800 x.103

Cor­po­rate part­ners, church­es, munic­i­pal­i­ties, and others

Events — 847.524.8800 x.103

Part­ner­ship and par­tic­i­pa­tion oppor­tu­ni­ties for our Annu­al 5K Run/​Walk and oth­er events

Employ­ment – 847.524.8800 x.181

Employ­ment opportunities

Intern­ships – 847.524.8800 x. 171

Intern­ship opportunities

You're Not Alone

5.7 million
Amer­i­cans expe­ri­ence a men­tal health dis­or­der in a giv­en year.

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