Notice of Cybersecurity Incident

D62 Parent Support 2

Train­ing Cen­ter — D62 Staff Capac­i­ty Building

Com­pas­sion Fatigue

Com­pas­sion is the emo­tion­al response one has when per­ceiv­ing suf­fer­ing that involves an authen­tic desire to help. Com­pas­sion Fatigue is the pro­found emo­tion­al and phys­i­cal strain that takes place when help­ing pro­fes­sion­als are unable to refu­el and reju­ve­nate. In this ses­sion, we will learn more about signs and symp­toms of com­pas­sion fatigue and tools to pre­vent it.


Tyiesha Tri­na

Lead Com­mu­ni­ty Navigator

Email Tyiesha

Andrea Var­gas

Com­mu­ni­ty Navigator

Email Andrea

Mar­i­anne Rogenski

Man­ag­er of Pos­i­tive Youth Development

Email Mar­i­anne

Pre­sen­ta­tion Video

Part One

Part Two

Pre­sen­ta­tion Files

Com­pas­sion Fatigue: What Is It? — Pre­sen­ta­tion Slides

Com­pas­sion Fatigue: What Can We Do About It? — Pre­sen­ta­tion Slides

Take the PRO­QOL Self Assessment


Self Care

A Few Cop­ing Strategies:

  • Yoga/​workout
  • Go for a walk
  • Lit a candle
  • Drink some tea
  • Binge watch Netflix
  • Incor­po­rate mind­ful­ness when tak­ing a shower/​washing dish­es by play­ing music, lis­ten­ing to the water run­ning, smelling the soap, etc.

Pos­i­tive Psy­chol­o­gy: 9 Self-Com­pas­sion Exer­cis­es & Work­sheets for Increas­ing Compassion

    How to set Healthy Boundaries:

    How to set clear work bound­aries — Jayne Hardy TEDx Talk

    Healthy Bound­aries in the Work­place — Pre­sen­ta­tion Slides by Ida­ho Depart­ment of Health and Welfare

    DBT Skills

    PLEASE is an acronym to help peo­ple remem­ber a set of skills that can make emo­tion­al reg­u­la­tion easier:

    PL- Treat phys­i­cal illness

    E- Bal­ance your eating

    A-Avoid mood alter­ing substances

    S-Get enough sleep

    E- Get reg­u­lar exercise


    Com­pas­sion Fatigue and Covid — apa​.org

    Pro­fes­sion­al Qual­i­ty of Life — pro​qol​.org

    Amer­i­can Insti­tute of Stress — stress​.org

    Cri­sis Pre­ven­tion on Insti­tute — Cri­sis​

    Tend Acad­e­my — Tend​

    APA — Apol­o­gy to Peo­ple of Col­or (POC)

    AAFP — Over­com­ing Com­pas­sion Fatigue

    GoodTher­a­py — Run­ning Low on Empa­thy? How to Heal from Com­pas­sion Fatigue

    Sur­geon Gen­er­al — Youth Men­tal Health Advisory

    Dig­i­tal Tools

    There are many dig­i­tal tech­nolo­gies that can sup­port you on your self care journey.


    Apps can be use­ful tools to man­age symp­toms, track progress, or even meditate.


    Head­space con­tains a library of over 500 med­i­ta­tions cov­er­ing a vari­ety of areas: stress, anx­i­ety, self-com­pas­sion, and more. There are also work­outs to help you relieve ten­sion, yoga exer­cis­es and music rec­om­men­da­tions to relax your mind and body.


    Whether you’re look­ing to reduce stress, have a bet­ter night’s sleep, or boost focus, Calm is on a mis­sion is to make you hap­pi­er and health­i­er. The app shows you how to med­i­tate, learn mind­ful move­ment, and offers music to help you relax and recenter.


    Active Minds — active​minds​.org

    Self Care Tips — life​hack​.org

    Self Care Ideas — wom​ans​day​.com

    Best Self Care Tips — erin​con​dren​.com

    Five Top Tools for Self Care -laurscip​ul​lo​.com

    Tools and Apps for Self Care -work​brighter​.co

    ACES Aware Self Care Tools for Adults

    Val­ues Exercise

    Down­load the Val­ues Exercise

    Values Exercise Worksheet

    Expla­na­tion of Liv­ing Into Our Val­ues” — Brene Brown

    Home­work — Assessment

    Before the next train­ing, Feb­ru­ary 7, 2022, please take a moment to fill out the PRO­QOL Self Assess­ment.

    Take Our Survey

    Tell us what you think by tak­ing our Com­pas­sion Fatigue Pre­sen­ta­tion Sur­vey.

    Fund­ing pro­vid­ed by fed­er­al Ele­men­tary and Sec­ondary School Emer­gency Relief (ESS­ER) and Illi­nois Depart­ment of Human Ser­vices (IDHS) grants.

    You're Not Alone

    5.7 million
    Amer­i­cans expe­ri­ence a men­tal health dis­or­der in a giv­en year.

    Get Involved

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