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Tuesday, December 8, 2020

RRF Foun­da­tion for Aging DOU­BLES Your Gift to KYC!

In hon­or of Giv­ing Tues­day, RRF Foun­da­tion for Aging will make your gift to KYC do dou­ble the good!

Giv­ing Tues­day, the Tues­day fol­low­ing Thanks­giv­ing, is a glob­al day of giv­ing. But why stop at just a day?! RRF Foun­da­tion for Aging will gen­er­ous­ly match gifts made to KYC for the two weeks sur­round­ing Giv­ing Tues­day! For any gifts received by KYC between Tues­day, Novem­ber 24th and Tues­day, Decem­ber 8th, RRF Foun­da­tion for Aging will match your gift in sup­port our Old­er Adult pro­grams! Whether you make a gen­er­al gift to KYC, or donate to your favorite pro­gram, RRF Foun­da­tion for Aging’s match­ing gift (up to $5,000!) will help ensure that old­er adults in our com­mu­ni­ties can con­tin­ue to thrive.

Want to make sure we get your gift on time? Make your dona­tion below! 

Your Gift Helps Old­er Adults Thrive

Older adult lady in green

RRF Foundation for Aging's matching gift benefits older adults like Cecelia, 82.

Cecelia is proud of her inde­pen­dence, and is thank­ful to KYC’s sup­port­ers who helped her suc­cess­ful­ly nav­i­gate through her health chal­lenges this summer. 

Although she enjoys keep­ing up with her chil­dren and grand­chil­dren over the phone, she does not have fam­i­ly liv­ing near­by. This sum­mer, Cecelia was hos­pi­tal­ized after a planned pro­ce­dure, and was ner­vous about return­ing home after her hos­pi­tal stay. Thanks to KYC’s Old­er Adults team, she nev­er felt alone — she had a true part­ner through­out her recovery.

Cecelia received vis­its from KYC’s Home Deliv­ered Meals team sev­er­al times each week. Not only did she receive deli­cious meals, but her friend­ly Meals vol­un­teer dri­ver also checked on her well-being and pro­vid­ed her with a lit­tle com­pa­ny. Ceceli­a’s case work­er helped her man­age her health and dai­ly liv­ing as they worked togeth­er to make a plan that suit­ed her health goals. 

This sup­port was all the more crit­i­cal as our com­mu­ni­ties have faced the COVID-19 pan­dem­ic. Thanks to the sup­port she received through KYC, she was able to recov­er safe­ly and independently.

You're Not Alone

of cas­es of men­tal ill­ness begin by age 14.

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