Saturday, May 6, 2017
5k Run/Walk ‘Hustle for Health’
Thank you for making the 2017 Run/Walk a resounding success!
More than 350 people gathered with us on May 6th as we raised over $60,000 to support Kenneth Young Center’s programs and services.
- We believe that as one person comes through the dark tunnel of depression and into the light, the world is changed.
- We think that when one child’s family learns better ways to care for each other, the world becomes a healthier place.
- When one more person is accepted for what he is, not in terms of his mental illness, we’re all changed for the better.
To learn more about our special events or how you can become a member of our 5K Run/Walk committee, contact Fran Geraci, our Corporate Relations and Events Specialist at 847.524.8800 x. 103 or