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Friday, February 24, 2023

Autism Spec­trum Dis­or­der Training

Men­tal Health Pro­fes­sion­als, join KYC’s Clin­i­cal Train­ing Com­mit­tee for a vir­tu­al train­ing event on Autism Spec­trum Dis­or­der (ASD).

Out­line of Presentation:

  • Overview of Autism Spec­trum Disorder
    • Brief his­to­ry of ASD
    • Diag­nos­tic history 
    • Cur­rent ASD diag­nos­tic criteria
    • Char­ac­ter­is­tics of ASD
    • Prevalence/​prognosis
    • Autism accep­tance
  • Func­tions of Behavior
    • 4 Func­tions of behavior
    • Pos­si­ble interventions/​strategies for each function 
    • Mod­i­fy­ing the environment
  • Instruc­tion­al Strategies
    • Prin­ci­ples of behav­ior analysis
    • Pair­ing
    • Instruc­tion­al Control
    • Moti­va­tion
    • Com­po­nents of Dis­crete Trial
    • Dis­crim­i­na­tion training
    • Types of prompts
    • Error­less learning
    • Behav­ior shap­ing and chain­ing procedures
    • Task analy­sis
    • Rein­force­ment
    • Cor­rec­tion procedures
    • 9 Research based teach­ing procedures
    • 7 Dimen­sions of behav­ior analysis
  • Visu­al Strategies
    • Visu­al sup­ports to help those with Autism
    • Con­sid­er­a­tions in cre­at­ing the type of visu­al supports
    • Sched­ules
    • Cal­en­dars
    • Visu­al or tex­tu­al checklists
    • Col­or coding
    • Visu­al sto­ries to teach social­ly appro­pri­ate behav­ior or social rule or expect­ed social behavior
    • Con­ver­sa­tion starters or con­ver­sa­tion cards
    • Puz­zle boards/​token boards to increase motivation
    • Behav­ior contracts
    • First/​then boards
    • Go/​stop buckets
    • Tab boards
    • Emo­tion­al regulation
    • Voice vol­ume

Event Details

6 CEUs pend­ing for LCSW, LSW, LCPC, LPC, LMFT, and CADC

Date: Feb­ru­ary 242023

Time: 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM

Loca­tion: Vir­tu­al­ly — Host­ed by Ken­neth Young Center

RSVP: Men­tal Health Pro­fes­sion­als and KYC staff are wel­come to join. Please con­tact Kris­ten with ques­tions. Please include your licen­sure in your RSVP email for effi­cient pro­cess­ing of your CEU credits.

Cost: $200 (KYC staff can attend at no cost)

About the Speakers

Jen­na Ryan, Clin­i­cal Direc­tor, M.S., BCBA

Jen­na is the Clin­i­cal Direc­tor for Lit­tle Friends Cen­ter for Autism. Jen­na has been work­ing at Lit­tle Friends for 10 years as a Board-Cer­ti­fied Behav­ior Ana­lyst and has worked with mul­ti­ple pro­grams through­out the agency. She has sev­er­al years expe­ri­ence work­ing with both chil­dren and adults with Autism and oth­er devel­op­men­tal dis­abil­i­ties. After receiv­ing her under­grad­u­ate degree from the Uni­ver­si­ty of Wis­con­sin-Madi­son, Jen­na went on to pur­sue her master’s degree in Clin­i­cal Psy­chol­o­gy with a spe­cial­iza­tion in Applied Behav­ior Analy­sis from the Chica­go School of Pro­fes­sion­al Psy­chol­o­gy. Since then, she has proud­ly been an employ­ee of Lit­tle Friends and strong­ly believes in their mis­sion to empow­er chil­dren, adults, and their families.

Lisa Cisek, M.Ed, Senior Behav­ioral Therapist

Lisa has been in the field of behav­ior analy­sis for 25 years and with Lit­tle Friends Cen­ter for Autism for the last 20 years. She is approved as a Lev­el 2 Behav­ior Ther­a­pist through DHS and earned a cer­tifi­cate for course­work in Behav­ior Analy­sis. Lisa is a gift­ed ther­a­pist who has great suc­cess in work­ing with chil­dren and sup­port­ing their par­ents. Lisa pro­vides behav­ioral sup­port in teach­ing lan­guage and learn­ing skills, aca­d­e­mics, func­tion­al com­mu­ni­ca­tion, and func­tion­al liv­ing skills. She has suc­cess­ful­ly toi­let trained hun­dreds of chil­dren from 3 years old to 20 years old using prin­ci­ples of behav­ior analy­sis in their homes. In addi­tion to work­ing in Lit­tle Friends Cen­ter for Autism, Lisa pro­vides con­sul­ta­tion and works col­lab­o­ra­tive­ly with school dis­tricts. She assists with imple­men­ta­tion of prin­ci­ples of behav­ior analy­sis for stu­dents. Lisa also con­ducts train­ings for both par­ents and pro­fes­sion­als and con­sults to Adult Ser­vices Providers. 

Event Fly­er

Click here to view a PDF of the flyer.

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of us will expe­ri­ence some form of men­tal ill­ness in our lifetime

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