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Lights of Resilience

Saturday, May 22, 2021

Lights of Resilience

Ken­neth Young Cen­ter and the CPYD Coali­tion present, Lights of Resilience: Sui­cide Pre­ven­tion Can­dle Light­ing and Memorial.” 

Men­tal health and loss can be emo­tion­al and iso­lat­ing expe­ri­ences. Lights of Resilience” seeks to hon­or those who strug­gle with sui­ci­dal ideation as well as those who have passed away. Come shed light with us on the impor­tance of men­tal health and healing. 

This event seeks to be a safe and heal­ing space with a memo­r­i­al ser­vice and com­mu­ni­ty-build­ing activ­i­ties. Snacks and water will be pro­vid­ed. Social dis­tanc­ing and masks are mandatory.

Event Details

DATE: Sat­ur­day, May 22, 2021 5PM to 6 PM 

LOCA­TION: Busse Woods For­est Pre­serve (Elk Grove Vil­lage) Shel­ter Grove #12

COST: Free (reg­is­tra­tion is required — reg­is­ter here)


Click here to register!


This event will take place at Grove 12 in Busse Woods in Elk Grove Vil­lage, IL. On Google Maps, type out the inter­sec­tion of Hig­gins Rd. and Elk Grove Rd. Enter through the Elk Grove Rd. loca­tion and dri­ve until you see Shel­ter Grove 12 where there will be plen­ty of park­ing spaces. There will be mul­ti­ple direc­tion­al signs to help you locate the spot. Click here for a link.

Pro­gram Schedule


  • a can­dle light­ing ceremony,
  • cre­at­ing indi­vid­ual take-home flower pots,
  • inter­ac­tive rib­bon-tying activity,
  • oppor­tu­ni­ty for let­ter writ­ing to a loved one,
  • prizes for the Togeth­er We Heal Chal­lenge,”
  • and a mini-men­tal health resource fair.

This event will be social­ly dis­tanced, safe, and cost-free. There will be plen­ty of space to walk around on paths in the for­est. We wel­come peo­ple of all ages, includ­ing: stu­dents, youth, adults, fam­i­lies, com­mu­ni­ty lead­ers, and others.

Chipo­tle Eat for Change After the Lights of Resilience Event

After the event, grab some food at Chipo­tle at Streets of Wood­field where a por­tion of the pro­ceeds will go to Ken­neth Young Center!

Nation­al Sui­cide Pre­ven­tion Lifeline

Eng­lish: 18002738255

Español: 18886289454

Deaf/​Hard of Hear­ing: Use your pre­ferred relay ser­vice or dial 711 then 18002738255.

You're Not Alone

1 in 4
Amer­i­can fam­i­lies have a rel­a­tive who has a men­tal illness.

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