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Wednesday, April 1, 2020

No Fool­ing: Lou Mal­nati’s Fundrais­ing Give­back Event

Lou Mal­nati’s is host­ing a Fundrais­ing Give­back Event for KYC on April 1st! Enjoy curb­side car­ry­out, or deliv­ery and men­tion the KYC fundrais­er when you order for 20% of your bill to come back to KYC

Three dif­fer­ent Lou Mal­nati’s loca­tions will be host­ing this event. Check out the loca­tions and the hours of the fundrais­er below:

Lou Mal­nati’s Elk Grove: 11AM — 11PM

Lou Mal­nati’s Schaum­burg (on Roselle Road): 11AM — 11PM

Lou Mal­nati’s Mount Prospect: 4PM — 10PM

Please note that online orders will not qual­i­fy for this fundrais­er. Please call the loca­tions to order ahead.

Check out the fly­er below for more details. Please show this fly­er or men­tion the fundrais­er by phone when you place your order, and check your receipt to ensure that you see the FUNDRAIS­ER” item includ­ed on your bill. Don’t for­get to share this event with friends and family!

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of chil­dren in the U.S. strug­gle with seri­ous chal­lenges to their emo­tion­al and men­tal health.

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