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Queer Sex Ed Banner for KYC Website

Monday, February 28, 2022

Post­poned: Queer Sex-Ed Night for High School Stu­dents & Recent Graduates

Stay tuned for the resched­ul­ing of this impor­tant event! To con­tact our team direct­ly, email our team or call/​text us at 847.212.1747.

If you are in high school or grad­u­at­ed recent­ly and you iden­ti­fy as LGBTQ+, this event was made for you! We know that too many queer youth feel exclud­ed when learn­ing about sex and puber­ty in school; if they even get taught this! That’s why we’ve part­nered with the empow­er­ing edu­ca­tors at North­west Casa to bring you the sex-ed class you nev­er got but always deserved!

In-per­­son at the Cen­ter (Space is lim­it­ed due to COVID-19 pre­cau­tions.)
To RSVP, email our team or call/​text us at 847.212.1747.


650 E. Algonquin Road, Suite 104
Schaumburg, IL 60193

You're Not Alone

of cas­es of men­tal ill­ness begin by age 14.

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