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Recovery Art Festival

Saturday, December 5, 2020

Recov­ery Art Festival

SHOW OPEN­ING: Decem­ber 5th, 2020 — 1PM-3PM

The show open­ing will take place on Decem­ber 5th. Events will include art pre­sen­ta­tion, artists pan­el, and art workshop.

LOCA­TION: Vir­tu­al — Zoom link will be emailed 2 days pri­or to the event

DEAD­LINE FOR SUB­MIS­SION: Novem­ber 6th, 2020 — 8PM

Sub­mit today: https://​www​.cpy​d​coali​tion​.org/…

Ken­neth Young Cen­ter is host­ing a Recov­ery vir­tu­al arts show, host­ed on the Com­mu­ni­ties for Pos­i­tive Youth Devel­op­ment website.

The theme is visions — what is your vision of recovery?


We are look­ing for art­work made by peo­ple with lived expe­ri­ence of recov­ery from addic­tive behav­iors, such as: sub­stance use, self-harm, gam­bling, or oth­er addic­tive behaviors.

A total of 10 artists will be select­ed for the art show. Artists can sub­mit up to four pieces of art­work. Entries to the art show will be select­ed by a pan­el of per­sons with­in the recov­ery community.

We are look­ing for visu­al art such as illus­tra­tion, paint­ing, print, graph­ic design, and photography.

We val­ue inclu­siv­i­ty and all are wel­comed to apply.


  • Cre­ativ­i­ty
  • Orig­i­nal­i­ty
  • Tech­nique
  • Clar­i­ty of theme
  • Con­tent

We wel­come artists from all skill lev­els and age groups.

Since this show is for all ages, please refrain from sub­mit­ting art­work that depicts gore, nudi­ty, explic­it drug use, etc.


The selec­tion com­mit­tee will com­prise of a group peo­ple from the recov­ery com­mu­ni­ty in the north­west suburbs.

Com­mit­tee mem­bers will be announced by Octo­ber 1st2020.

Recovery Art Festival 2
Recovery Art Festival 3
You're Not Alone

5.7 million
Amer­i­cans expe­ri­ence a men­tal health dis­or­der in a giv­en year.

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