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Friday, February 23, 2024

Sui­ci­dal Ideation: A Trau­ma-Informed Approach Training

Men­tal health pro­fes­sion­als are invit­ed to join us for a train­ing ses­sion on a trau­ma-informed approach on sui­ci­dal ideation with speak­er Amy Zajakows­ki Uhll, LCPC on Feb­ru­ary 23rd

Descrip­tion: I am think­ing about hurt­ing myself” These words strike fear in the hearts of all ther­a­pists. Sui­ci­dal ideation in clients reminds us of the real­i­ty that pain may be so deep and per­va­sive that some­one would think of end­ing their life. They also raise ques­tions of our legal and moral respon­si­bil­i­ty for the lives of oth­ers. This work­shop will explore sui­ci­dal ideation through a trau­ma-informed lens. We will dis­cuss how to assess for and treat risk, and use our ongo­ing treat­ment to under­stand sui­ci­dal thoughts and action as a mean­ing­ful strat­e­gy for deal­ing with painful his­to­ry and the chal­lenges of dai­ly life.

Course Objec­tives:
1. Explore the legal respon­si­bil­i­ty ther­a­pists have regard­ing sui­ci­dal thoughts and behav­ior
2. Learn the impor­tant risk fac­tors for sui­cide
3. Learn how to cre­ate a col­lab­o­ra­tive plan and doc­u­ment that plan
4. Dis­cuss tech­niques for explor­ing sui­ci­dal ideation and intent in the present moment
5. Under­stand sui­cide as a resourc­ing strat­e­gy
6. Dis­cuss the impact of treat­ing sui­ci­dal clients on the therapist

Event Details

8 CEUs pend­ing for IAO­DAP­CA & CBHA

Date: Feb­ru­ary 23rd2024

Time: 9AM — 5PM

Loca­tion: Virtual

RSVP BY Feb­ru­ary 22nd: Men­tal Health Pro­fes­sion­als and KYC staff are wel­come to join. Please click here to reg­is­ter by email­ing Bren­da. Please include your licensure/​credentials in your email to assist with pro­cess­ing CEUs.

Cost: $150 (KYC Staff can attend at no cost)

Speak­er: Amy Zajakows­ki Uhll, LCPC.

About the Speaker

Amy’s is a psy­chother­a­pist who has demon­strat­ed flex­i­bil­i­ty in tak­ing on teach­ing and man­age­r­i­al roles with spe­cial focus on trau­ma and long term ther­a­py. She is a ded­i­cat­ed pro­fes­sion­al who has addressed the needs of clients affect­ed by war and dis­lo­ca­tion as well as sex­u­al abuse and domes­tic vio­lence. Along with being a focused instruc­tor who moti­vates pro­fes­sion­als on all lev­els to adapt new skills and techniques.

Event Fly­er

You're Not Alone

1 in 4
Amer­i­can fam­i­lies have a rel­a­tive who has a men­tal illness.

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