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Notebook and coffee

Friday, October 4, 2019

Sui­cide Assess­ment Training

This train­ing is co-spon­sored by Illini­Care Health. This course will assist clin­i­cians in under­stand­ing what sui­cide is, iden­ti­fy­ing risk/​protective fac­tors, and learn­ing about warn­ing signs. We will also review var­i­ous assessment/​screening tools and evi­denced-based treat­ment meth­ods avail­able for clients. Three CEU’s are avail­able for this train­ing for LCPC/LPC, LCSW/LSW, LMFT/MFT, Nurs­es, and CADC (pend­ing). Click here to learn more about the pre­sen­ter, Kris­ten Her­nan­dez, LCSW.

Please RSVP to Cheri.

Date: Octo­ber 4th, 2019
1:00 PM to 4:00 PM
Ken­neth Young Cen­ter’s Com­mu­ni­ty Room


Ken­neth Young Cen­ter — Com­mu­ni­ty Room

1001 Rohlwing Road
Elk Grove Village, Illinois 60007

Suicide Assessment Training Flyer

Click here for a copy of this flyer.

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