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Sup­port KYC’s Com­mu­ni­ty Liv­ing Pro­grams for Recov­ery Month 2021

KYC pro­vides inten­sive men­tal heath out­reach and sup­port to com­mu­ni­ty mem­bers liv­ing with men­tal health diag­noses through our Com­mu­ni­ty Liv­ing pro­grams. This includes assist­ing peo­ple who are tran­si­tion­ing from nurs­ing homes or oth­er care facil­i­ties to inde­pen­dent liv­ing, some­times for the first time in their lives. Our teams help com­mu­ni­ty mem­bers nav­i­gate hous­ing chal­lenges, health­care sys­tems, and skills of dai­ly liv­ing while pro­vid­ing ongo­ing men­tal health sup­port. Your dona­tion sup­ports these pro­grams and con­nects the peo­ple we serve togeth­er with the resources they need to live safe­ly in the community. 

Thank you for your gift to sup­port our Com­mu­ni­ty Liv­ing pro­grams and com­mu­ni­ty mem­bers liv­ing in recovery!

You're Not Alone

of us will expe­ri­ence some form of men­tal ill­ness in our lifetime

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