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Men­tal Health and Trau­ma Support

In this sec­tion, you will find resources for men­tal health and trau­ma sup­port. Striv­ing for emo­tion­al well-being and recov­er­ing from trau­ma are ways we can help our­selves recov­er from sub­stance use and addic­tive behaviors. 

Mind­ful­ness Coach (Avail­able on iOS) (Avail­able on Google Play)

New to mind­ful­ness? Mind­ful­ness Coach pro­vides self-guid­ed train­ings on mind­ful­ness, exer­cis­es, and quizzes to track your progress. Use this app to learn how mind­ful­ness can improve emo­tion­al bal­ance, increase self-aware­ness, relieve anx­i­ety and depres­sion, and help cope with chron­ic pain more effectively.

PTSD Coach (Avail­able on iOS) (Avail­able on Google Play)

PTSD Coach is a use­ful tool to learn about post-trau­mat­ic stress dis­or­der (PTSD), how to track your symp­toms, and use­ful tools to man­age triggers. 

CBT Thought Record Diary (Avail­able on iOS) (Avail­able on Google Play)

Use this dig­i­tal thought diary to iden­ti­fy your emo­tions, ana­lyze incon­sis­ten­cies in your think­ing, and change your per­spec­tive. Using ele­ments of Cog­ni­tive-Behav­ioral Ther­a­py (CBT), this app helps you rec­og­nize ways to reframe old beliefs and emo­tion­al responses. 

Inspi­ra­tions from Hazelden (Avail­able on iOS) (Avail­able on Google Play)

Need moti­va­tion­al dai­ly read­ings to inspire you to stay com­mit­ted to your recov­ery? Inspi­ra­tions pro­vides unique mes­sage each day address­ing themes of sobri­ety, code­pen­den­cy, shame, relapse, men­tal health, and more for you to med­i­tate and reflect on. 

You're Not Alone

of us will expe­ri­ence some form of men­tal ill­ness in our lifetime

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