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Volunteer Dinner Invitation 2

Don't miss the 2017 Volunteer Dinner!

Our volunteers provide vital support to KYC and our clients. We couldn't do our work without them! Please join us as we celebrate the amazing community members who volunteer on behalf of KYC.

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Communities for Positive Youth Development Newsletter is Out!

CPYD is a collaboration of community partners who share the common goal of positive youth development, including a lifestyle that is free of alcohol, drugs, and other substances.

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Iphone Desk Laptop Notebook

August Letter from the CEO

Dear Friends of KYC, For the first time in two years, I have the plea­sure to report that the state of Illi­nois…

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Citi Group Photo With Banner 6 7 17

Corporate Volunteers Serve KYC!

If life was a Twitter page, #kindness, #benevolence and #compassion would be trending because of you.

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Iphone Desk Laptop Notebook

July's Letter from the CEO

Happy new (fiscal) year! In addition to celebrating Independence Day on the 4th and National Ice Cream Month all month long, July marks the beginning of a new fiscal year for our agency. It’s an exciting time for us as we set program budgets, make agency-wide plans, and celebrate another successful year at KYC.

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senior woman with dog

The Power of Pets

Begin­ning about 12,000−14,000 years ago in pre­his­toric times, the first ani­mal to be domes­ti­cat­ed was the wolf. This occurred once humans…

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Concerned Woman

The toll of a budget impasse

What’s the problem? It’s been on the news, in the papers, and maybe men­tioned in a pass­ing con­ver­sa­tion but does Illi­nois’…

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Drop-In Center Activities

KYC’s Drop-In Cen­ter opened in March, 2015 to pro­mote com­mu­ni­ty among peo­ple liv­ing with men­tal ill­ness. The Drop-In Cen­ter is…

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You're Not Alone

of cas­es of men­tal ill­ness begin by age 14.

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