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Recovery Month Blog Banner

Celebrating National Recovery Month

Kenneth Young Center is honored to be trusted partners for many community members who are doing the difficult work of living in recovery.

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Blackbaud Security Breach of KYC Donor Data

Blackbaud, a third-party data security firm, suffered a cyber security breach that included Kenneth Young Center's donor database. While no information like banking or credit card numbers were impacted, KYC is sharing this news.

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Russell & Josephine Kott Foundation Funded Memory Cafe

For the last year, KYC has been proud to host it's monthly Memory Cafe for older adults and their caregivers. Although the cafe had to change formats due to COVID-19, we're proud to share the final grant report with you, our community and friends.

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Client Spotlight Header Graphic

Coping with COVID-19 - A Client Perspective

Author Susie Piasec­ki shares her expe­ri­ence dur­ing quar­an­tine. Susie is a KYC client, Drop-In Cen­ter guest, and for­mer Drop-In Cen­ter Peer…

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Meet Katalina: A KYC Superhero

Nine-year-old Katali­na knew when the pan­dem­ic hit, she want­ed to do some­thing to sup­port oth­ers. She brain­stormed with her mom,…

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Motorola Solutions

Motorola Solutions Volunteers - Making A Difference Together

Although many tra­di­tion­al vol­un­teer oppor­tun­ties aren’t avail­able dur­ing the pan­dem­ic, employ­ees at Motoro­la are still giv­ing back.  Teams are cre­ative­ly work­ing…

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By Don­na Boguslavsky, KYC Com­mu­ni­ty Col­lab­o­ra­tion Project AssociateThe Com­mu­ni­ty Col­lab­o­ra­tion team was proud to rep­re­sent the Ken­neth Young Cen­ter (KYC)…

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Amazon Smile Header

Make Your Amazon App Purchase Support KYC!

As you're shopping from home, Amazon offers it's shopping platform that gives back to the charity of your choice with most purchases. Here's who you can select KYC!

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COVID-19 Protocol for Clients Coming to the Elk Grove Village Office

KYC continues to monitor best practices and medical updates to protect the health and safety of clients, staff, volunteers, and community members. In this light, KYC is updating our screening questions to better assess clients' safety upon returning to in-person treatment, as outlined by the Department on Aging. Please note: all youth, adults, and seniors entering KYC's facilities will be asked these screening questions, including staff. Anyone feeling unwell or with a temperature of 100.4 degrees F or higher will be respectfully asked to return home.

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2020 Virtual Hustle for Health 5K Official Event Video

In lieu of an in-person gathering, KYC celebrates the 2020 Virtual Hustle for Health 5K with a video honoring the event and all those who support it.

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You're Not Alone

of chil­dren in the U.S. strug­gle with seri­ous chal­lenges to their emo­tion­al and men­tal health.

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