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Ending the Stigma

Through your kindness, you make it ok for our community members to seek support when they need it.

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Kyc 5 K Run Walk

5K Fundraising Tips and Tricks: How to Rule the Leaderboard

Ready to become a KYC Superhero? Here are some tips and tricks to help you reach your fundraising goals!

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Tica and Volunteers

Staff Reflections: Celebrating Our Volunteers

Check out one KYC staff person's reflections on our amazing volunteers.

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Client Spotlight: Celebrating Recovery through Cynthia

We’re proud to share Cynthia's story in honor of her accomplishments and her continued journey through recovery.

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Share The Love Banner

KYC Receives $4,622.33 Donation from Subaru for Meals On Wheels!

KYC receives $4,622.33 through Subaru's Share the Love Campaign for Meals on Wheels!

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Volunteer Spotlight: Dylan

As we look forward to continuing to grow our Prevention programs, we would like to highlight some of the great work they do for our communities through the experience of one of our young volunteers, Dylan.

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KYC Expands to Kane County

Teen Pregnancy Prevention Program aims to improve youth health and safety.

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KYC is Re-accredited by The Joint Commission

Kenneth Young Center is proud to announce its 2019 re-accreditation by The Joint Commission for another three years!

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Crissy Castillo Appears on Heartbeat!

Check out Crissy Castillo, Director of Older Adult Services, in her debut appearance on Schaumburg Park District's Heartbeat segment!

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Perfect Pair: Beer & Grilled Cheese Tasting

Join us for our Toasty Cheese & Church Street Brewing Co. "Perfect Pair" on Wednesday, March 27th! Guests will sample four grilled cheese slices with four Church Street brews.

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You're Not Alone

of cas­es of men­tal ill­ness begin by age 14.

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