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Thanksgiving. Black Friday. Small Business Saturday. Cyber Monday. ​Giving Tuesday.

Dear KYC Community, As the new CEO of Ken­neth Young Cen­ter, I have much to be thank­ful for: a sup­port­ive com­mu­ni­ty ded­i­cat­ed…

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Adopt A Family Logo

2018 Adopt a Family Drive

Each holiday season, KYC organizes an Adopt a Family drive to provide our clients with the highest needs with extra support and holiday cheer.

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KYC Delivers Cookies to First Responders

By, Tica King, Recov­ery Counselor I hear the sirens…I see the first respon­ders, police, fire­men, emer­gency tech­ni­cians answer our call.…

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Cesar And Teammates

KYC Staff Member’s Incredible Work to Support Veterans

KYC is proud to recognize one of our very own staff members for his incredible work with Veterans and their families as Veterans Day approaches.

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World Mental Health Day 2018

World Mental Health Day is October 10th

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Aims Handout Hands

KYC's AIMS Pilot Program

The AIMS (Ambulatory Integration of the Medical and Social Model) pilot program unites social workers and medical primary care teams to assess all of the complex factors that impact health and to provide the best outcomes.

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Iphone Desk Laptop Notebook

October 2018: Message from our CEO

The chang­ing weath­er is an every­day reminder of the change that’s all around us. With change there is excite­ment and…

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Bss Team Photo Summer 2018

Behavioral Support Services: Boosting Therapy through Social Activities

Learn more about KYC's Behavioral Support Services team

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KYC's Local Heroes

Two of KYC's Adult Protective Services team members were honored earlier this month at a Local Heroes Award ceremony hosted by Brookdale Hoffman Estates Senior Living Solutions.

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ARS Supports KYC Clients and Services

Each Sep­tem­ber, ARS Teams across the coun­try com­mit to a week of ser­vice. Each office part­ners with local non­prof­its to vol­un­teer…

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You're Not Alone

5.7 million
Amer­i­cans expe­ri­ence a men­tal health dis­or­der in a giv­en year.

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