Notice of Cybersecurity Incident


Yac Team Without Students 2

Prevention Programs Encourage Positive Choices for Teens

“It’s our respon­si­bil­i­ty as a com­mu­ni­ty to pro­vide kids with safe schools where they’re pre­pared to be pro­fes­sion­al­ly suc­cess­ful adults with…

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Iphone Desk Laptop Notebook

Get to Know Grace

Hel­lo KYC! I’m Grace Hong Duf­fin and I’m proud to be your new Pres­i­dent and Chief Exec­u­tive Officer. For the…

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Volunteer Spotlight: Orville & Betty Brown for Home Delivered Meals

The Browns share over 30 years of volunteer experience together with KYC's Home Delivered Meals Program

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Special Announcement Blue

KYC's CEO Announcement

After a com­pre­hen­sive nation­wide search, Ken­neth Young Center’s Board of Direc­tors is pleased to announce our selec­tion of Grace Hong Duf­fin…

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Employment Services: Building Long-Term Recovery and Stability

KYC’s Employ­ment Ser­vices Team works with 50 clients a year to find and keep employ­ment. For many liv­ing with men­tal ill­ness…

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Paper People Chain

Changes in Funding for SASS and KYC's Preparations for the New Program

The state bud­get has been passed and along with that came major changes to the struc­ture and state fund­ing for…

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Osumc 2018 Ice Cream Social Donation

Our Saviour's Raises $6,700 for KYC!

Our Sav­iour’s Unit­ed Methodist Church (OSUMC) in Schaum­burg raised over $6,700 this sum­mer through their Annu­al Ice Cream Social for…

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Adult Enjoyment Facial Expression 1037989

Youth Advisory Council Video

This past Feb­ru­ary, Youth Advi­so­ry Coun­cil (YAC) stu­dents from D211 col­lab­o­rat­ed with the The Illi­nois Insti­tute of Art — Schaum­burg…

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Middle School Youth Walking

Pilot Program with District 54

Ken­neth Young Cen­ter is proud to announce our expand­ed part­ner­ship with Schaum­burg Con­sol­i­dat­ed School Dis­trict 54 to launch a pilot pro­gram…

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Iphone Desk Laptop Notebook

New CEO Identification Update

Dear KYC Friends and Supporters, As we set­tle into July, we want­ed to share an update in KYC’s search for…

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You're Not Alone

of chil­dren in the U.S. strug­gle with seri­ous chal­lenges to their emo­tion­al and men­tal health.

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