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National Social Work Month 2022 Blog Banner

National Social Work Month Staff Spotlight: Yvonne Suarez Morgan, LCSW

Our Manager of Behavioral Health and Recovery Services shares how her background in social work has impacted her approach to care.

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Navigating Youth Mental Health Presentation Blog Banner1

Navigating Your Child's Mental Health

Our Manager of MCR & Community Based Interventions presents how parents can support their children's mental health.

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Program Spotlight: National Problem Gambling Awareness Month

March is National Problem Gambling Awareness Month. If you or someone you know are experiencing symptoms of problem gambling, we're here to help.

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BHM Leaders Blog Banner

Black History Month Celebration - Inspirational Black Leaders

In honor of Black History Month, we asked our staff to share influential Black leaders who have made an impact on their lives and their work. Included here are just a few of the Black innovators who have been important to our team, and a reminder to continue this focus on advocacy and equity all year long.

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Feb 2022 CEO Message Blog Banner 2

A Message From Our CEO: Happy Lunar New Year and Black History Month

KYC's CEO Grace Hong Duffin shares wishes for a Happy Lunar New Year and welcomes Black History Month.

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Employment Services Blog Banner

Program Spotlight - Employment Services

KYC's Employment Services program works with qualifying individuals who are living with a mental health diagnosis or physical disability and are looking to find work for the first time, or to re-engage in the workplace following a period of time that kept them from working. The team works to creatively support the needs of clients while empowering each individual through growing their natural skill sets in the workplace.

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Program Spotlight

Celebrating our Drop-In Program

KYC is proud to share a recent email our teams received from a par­tic­i­pant in our Mount Prospect Drop-In Pro­gram. Through­out the…

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Adopt a Family Banner

Thank You for Making the 2021 Holidays Brighter

Thanks to our incredible KYC Community, we were thrilled to share extra holiday cheer with over 500 of the people we serve together.

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Remote Work December 2021 1

Office Closure: On-Site Services Going Remote Beginning December 28th, 2021

All KYC locations will close by the end of the business day on December 27th, 2021. Our team will be working remotely during this time.

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Latinx Parent Group Banner

Latinx Parent Support for Positive Youth Development

This new, non-clinical parent group meets monthly and discusses various issues related to supporting Latinx youth and parents residing in the Elk Grove Village community.

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You're Not Alone

5.7 million
Amer­i­cans expe­ri­ence a men­tal health dis­or­der in a giv­en year.

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